SNHU Arena
The ground breaking for the SNHU Arena, an ASM Global managed facility and formerly known as Verizon Wireless Arena, took place in April 2000, and took nearly one and a half years to complete the facility. Seating capacity for the SNHU Arena varies, depending upon each individual event. For example, hockey games seat approximately 10,019, basketball seats 11,140 people, end stage concerts hold about 10,050, while center stage concerts seat about 11,770.
​555 Elm St, Manchester, NH 03101

Palace Theater/The Rex Theater
Fashioned after its namesake in New York City, the Palace Theatre was (and still remains) remarkably similar to its larger cousin. Established in 1914 and completed in less than a year, the theatre boasted superb construction, a stunning decor, and an interior that was cooled by fans blowing air over great blocks of ice under the stage. The Palace Theatre was considered the only first-class theatre in New Hampshire that was fireproof and “air-conditioned.”
80 Hanover St, Manchester, NH 03101